Risk Manager

Extreme good insights in
your clients

Do you have a comprehensive debtor portfolio? If so, the Risk Manager of CreditDevice will offer you better insight and overview.

Prevent risks

Dynamic credit management

By importing the financial data of your debtors into the software of CreditDevice on a daily basis we can precisely monitor and analyse the payment behaviour of your debtors. Hereafter we compare your data with our extensive database. The combination of internal and external data gives a very predictable insight into the behaviour of your customers.

Clear insight in the risk and opportunities

Why Risk Manager?

A better risk assessment

The link between your (own) data and our

database gives you a detailed insight into your

debtors. And will automatically give you better

insight during risk assessments.

Risk file per debtor

You will get a risk file per debtor. This file

contains a summary of the external report

based on our database and your own customer

data. A unique combination of important data

in one file.

Multi channel

The Risk Manager module is always combined

with our credit information module. However,

if you want to get even better insights into

your debtor portfolio, combine these modules

with our Credit Management Software and/or

PolicyManager. Because then everything will be

part of one integrated application. This means

that you do not only collect even more data, you

will also be able to immediately go to your debtor

file and adjust the workflow accordingly when

the payment behaviour changes. 


You choose yourself which debtors you want to

monitor. Usually, these are larger or returning

clients. You can also decide on which data you

want to monitor your customers. Thereafter,

you will receive updates, by e-mail or directly

in the Risk Manager-module. This way you

can always react in time when the payment

velocity drops.

Have complete control

You are always in control. Within the Risk

manager module you can ‘play’ with the

available data. When monitoring your portfolio,

you choose your own parameters and decide

which updates you want to receive. This leads

to your desired insights. And very important

you will no longer receive 100 e-mail updates a


Everything can be exported

You can transfer data to your ERP-system or

accounting package and turn it into an Excel file.

Another possibility is to schedule emails with

customized information for each stakeholder.

This way your colleagues are periodically fed

with relevant reports at their specific level.

Direct link with other modules

If you are using other CreditDevice products, you can easily navigate through the different modules. You are just one click away from the debtor file (if you are using Credit Management Software) or open an earlier requested credit report.
Risk Manager

Want to know more? Download the brochure for more information!

Set risk scores yourself

In Centraal Dossier koppel je meerdere debiteurennummers van You choose yourself which debtors you want to monitor. Usually, these are larger or returning clients. You can also decide on which data you want to monitor your customers. Based on the payment behaviour of a debtor we rate a company. If the payment behaviour changes negatively, and the customer score is below a certain level, you will automatically receive a notification. You can decide at which score you want to receive a message. You will receive the updates by e-mail or directly in the Risk Manager module. This way you can always react in time when the payment velocity of a debtor drops.


Unique combination between internal and external data

With Risk Manager, you combine the payment experiences of yourself with all data we have available of your debtor. This includes, for example, the annual figures, statistical data and the deposit dates. Here you can find out whether a customer always pays its invoices in time, except for your company. Or the other way around. Because you get a cross-section of the payment behaviour of your debtors, you know when to be careful or when to take action.



We are always there to help! Please contact us or download the Risk Manager brochure for more information.

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Door mijn persoonlijke gegevens in te vullen, geef ik CreditDevice toestemming om deze te verzamelen, verwerken en op te slaan conform het Privacybeleid van CreditDevice

Zet de eerste stap!

Waar kunnen we je mee helpen?

Kredietinformatie aanvragen (Active)

Door mijn persoonlijke gegevens in te vullen, geef ik CreditDevice toestemming om deze te verzamelen, verwerken en op te slaan conform het Privacybeleid van CreditDevice

*Je kunt eenmalig een gratis kredietrapport aanvragen op een Nederlands bedrijf.

Je vraag een rapport aan voor: , KVK: #

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Demo Aanvraag (active) (#ENGELS)

By entering my personal information, I authorize CreditDevice to collect, process and store it in accordance with CreditDevice's Privacy Policy

Make the first move!

What can we help you with?

Kredietinformatie aanvragen (Active) ENGELS

By entering my personal information, I authorize CreditDevice to collect, process and store it in accordance with CreditDevice's Privacy Policy

*You can request a one-time free credit report on a Dutch company.

You are requesting a report for: , CoC: #

Take the first step!

What can we help you with?

Offerte aanvraag (Active)

Door mijn persoonlijke gegevens in te vullen, geef ik CreditDevice toestemming om deze te verzamelen, verwerken en op te slaan conform het Privacybeleid van CreditDevice

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