Effective management of credit limits


Help on compliance with your credit insurance policy!

Are you credit insured and looking for an effective way to manage your credit limits? Manually processing credit limits in ERP software is error-prone and often very cumbersome. PolisManager does this automatically for you, without errors! You will also automatically receive a notification when the outstanding balance exceeds the current credit limit.

Within credit insurance, you can set a credit limit in different ways. Which way you choose depends on each debtor’s situation.

Credit limit

You request a credit limit from the insurer. In doing so, you specify the coverage you need to cover your outstanding balance.

Discretionary limits

You can set your own credit limit based on your own payment experience or on a credit report. The maximum amount of the self-assessment plus all conditions are listed in the policy.


A review is a simplified credit limit application. The amount of the review is stated in the policy.

"For 25 years, Finance & Insurance has set the standard as a broker in the field of credit insurance. Only the very best is good enough for our customers. We choose Policy Manager from CreditDevice."

Kees Grijzenhout | F&I Trade Credit BV

Save time and avoid errors

With PolicyManager you are always up to date

PolisManager calculates your self-assessment based on payment experiences and informs you of any changes in your coverage. In addition, we continuously retrieve data from your credit insurer via an API. As a result, you always have an overview and can take action when necessary. The current limit information can be sent back to your ERP software on a daily basis, so you are always working with the correct limit there too. Because you no longer have to do this manually, you save time and avoid mistakes.

Avoid unnecessary credit limit charges

Saving limit costs

Do you have visibility into how many inactive debtors are insured with you? These are unnecessary credit limit costs that you would rather not spend. In PolisManager, you have direct insight into all debtors for whom you pay credit limit costs, but to whom you have not sent an invoice for over 12 months. You can revoke these limits immediately via PolisManager.


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