Why is managing your credit insurance policy difficult without software?


Credit insurance is insurance that protects you from the risk of your customers not paying your invoices. With credit insurance, you can secure your sales, improve your cash flow and support your growth.
Maar hoe beheer je je kredietverzekeringspolis op een efficiënte en effectieve manier? Hoe houd je overzicht over je klanten, je limieten, je dekking en je schades? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je altijd up-to-date bent over de kredietwaardigheid en het betalingsgedrag van je klanten?
Als je dit allemaal handmatig moet doen, zonder software, dan kan dat een hele uitdaging zijn. Je moet dan veel tijd en moeite besteden aan administratieve taken, zoals het verzamelen, verwerken en analyseren van data, het opstellen en versturen van rapportages, het aanvragen en controleren van limieten, het melden en afhandelen van schades, enzovoort.
Bovendien loop je het risico dat je fouten maakt, dat je informatie mist of dat je informatie verouderd is. Dit kan leiden tot verkeerde beslissingen, onnodige risico’s of gemiste kansen. Je kunt dan niet optimaal profiteren van de voordelen van je kredietverzekering.

Software to manage your credit insurance policy

Therefore, it is better to use software to manage your credit insurance policy. This is because with software you can:

  • Easily and quickly access all relevant information about your customers, your limits, your coverage and your claims. You can also easily filter, sort and export this information into different formats.
  • Get real-time insight into your customers’ creditworthiness and payment behavior. You can also receive alerts when changes occur that affect your risks or opportunities.
  • Automatically and accurately report to your credit insurer. You can also easily request limits, change, cancel or report claims.
  • Save time and money by reducing or eliminating administrative tasks. You can also collaborate more efficiently with your colleagues, your customers and your credit insurer.
  • Make better decisions based on reliable and up-to-date data. You can also act proactively to reduce risks or take advantage of opportunities.
  • In short, with software you can take the management of your credit insurance policy to the next level. You can then get more out of your credit insurance and achieve greater success with your business.


Realizing that managing your credit insurance policy can be challenging, we developed PolisManager. Polismanager is a cloud-based credit insurance management solution developed by CreditDevice in partnership with Atradius, Coface and Allianz Trade. With Polismanager, you have a direct link to your credit insurer’s database and have a complete and real-time overview of your customer insurance policies and can see at a glance which customers you are at risk on and how big that risk is.

Automate and optimize credit insurance policy management

Policy Manager automates and optimizes credit insurance management. The software provides a detailed insight into the credit insurance capacity, prepares the turnover declaration and notifies you when you need to submit a collection or claim, so that you do this within the set period. As a result, your administration is immediately in order and you are always assured of sufficient coverage.

Save time

Policy manager saves you a lot of time and effort by reducing or eliminating administrative tasks. You can also easily request, change, cancel or report limits. Policy Manager also proactively notifies you of standard risks and changes that affect your risks or opportunities.

Wondering if the PolicyManager is suitable for your situation? Please contact us for a no-obligation advice. We are happy to help you find the best solution for your credit insurance management.

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